
Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Scattered Summary of Speed Paintings

I've heard it said that on average the trauma of moving is greater than that of loosing a spouse.

(30 min. from a photo)

Being that I don't have a spouse, i can't really attest to the truth of that statement. After a month of moving two houses, though, I can certainly say that it is immensely unpleasant. There is a sort of horrific nostalgia to the process of repeatedly putting yourself in contact with memories you are no longer a part of. Then you are faced with the choice of what parts of your childhood you can keep and what parts you no longer have room for.

(30 min. from a photo)

So many memories have become homeless.
I've been trying to keep my sanity in tact by doing speed paintings.

(1.5 hours from imagination)

Though it did not make the moving process any more fun, it did help keep me sane.
My first few paintings were a bit rough.

(30 min. from a photo)

(30 min from a photo)

(1 hour from a photo)

I'm never sure whether or not people know this is a painting of the surf.

(1 hour from a photo)

Shortly after doing this painting, I discovered how to turn on the pressure sensitivity on my Wacom tablet.

(45 min. from imagination)

I no longer felt as though I was imprisoned by this "helpful" technology.
(Speaking of which, I just figured out a faster way of placing these images into my blog-- woohoo!!!)

(30 min. from a photo)

(30 min. from imagination)

(30 min. from a photo)

(30 min. from imagination)

I painted these last five today. The similarities are quite intentional. My newest assignment to myself is to take what I've learned from painting a photo and translate it to something from my imagination.

Well, it's time for me to go. I hope you all have a fantastic evening.

And please, don't do anything too crazy =)

(30 min. from a photo --Rioters in Greece)


  1. f*kcin sparxx.... I dig the imagination ones way more than the photo ones, this inspires me to rpactice man! give us a chance!

  2. i want to see you paint one of these some day. * you can just ignore the girl sitting slightly behind you sipping a soda*
